How to Make it into Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo Company?

If you haven’t yet read the post “How to make it into Alpha Company?” I would go read that post first for the outline of the team structure. If you have then here’s the outline of how to get into the higher ranking levels.

Now a lot of people aren’t too sure on all the aspects of the team program and how it works, which is why I try to create as much literature on it as I can. The truth is, it is such a complex program because I believe there is no cookie cutter way to create the perfect athlete every time with the same system. People are different and need their abilities nurtured in different ways. This program is run on equity not equality. Everyone in the program will be trained based on what fits them best and placed in the company that will teach them most effectively.

All of the higher level companies starting from Bravo follow a similar structure of Assessment and Selection. The aspect most watched is will the new team member be providing value to the company they are joining or will they be a hinderance on everyone else. It is the Commanders position to moderate the final decision on entry. However, he does not do so alone. In each team above Alpha there are Captains that are appointed by the Commander and all other higher ranking Captains. The Captains help assess what students will be a good fit for the team. If they see a student who they believe will be an asset to their company they may consult the Commander and request a promotion for that student.

Once you’re in Alpha Company there are a few things you can do to help your chances of rising up to the higher companies.

One, show up to the 2 Hour Team practices. This will allow the Captains and Commander to Assess where your skill level is at and what value you add to their team.

Two, be consistent with your training. You don’t need to go hard with your training all day every day, but a good work ethic, proper progression, and patience goes a long way to improving your abilities.

Three, train your skills on your own. Nothing shows dedication like the student who trains when no ones watching. Because these students will come in for an hour of class each week and struggle with the new movement, then come back in next week with that technique down and 3 other skills on top of it. That passion is sure to catch the eye of your assessors.

Four, remember that this is a long term game and that you shouldn’t ever compare yourself to others. It’ll only keep your focus on them and your eyes of your goal.

But more than anything understand the definition of Wisdom, Sincerity, Benevolence, Courage, and Strictness. These are the founding principles on which we base our training. Those who know these principles will succeed, those who know them not will fail.